Fred Abruzzini
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Fred Abruzzini on July 7, 1987.
Petite Abruzzini
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Petite Abruzzini on July 9, 2008.
Antonia (Toni) Allegra
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Antonia Allegra on July 14, 2015.
Vincent & Claire Amendola
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Vincent and Claire Amendola on November 11, 2013.
Marsha Bettinelli
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interviews with Marsha Bettinelli on March 23, 2014.
Guli Buchanan
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Guli Buchanan on August 21, 1995.
Ernie Butala & Petite Abruzzini
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Ernie Butala and Petite Abruzzini on June 2, 2017.
Kenneth Grant Cairns
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Kenneth Grant Cairns in February and March of 2007.
Helen Paris Christianson
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Helen Paris Christianson on November 14, 2013.
Marilyn & Nick Coy
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Marilyn and Nick Coy on March 23, 2014.
Marie Del Bondio
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Marie Del Bondio on March 5, 2006.
Oscar Delgado
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Oscar Delgado on May 21, year unknown.
Tala DeWynter
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Tala DeWynter on July 9, 2007.
Mary Edano & Rose Taylor
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Mary Edano and Rose Taylor on July 15, 2014.
Phoebe Ellsworth
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Phoebe Ellsworth on August 9, 2016.
Greta Ericson
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Greta Ericson, date unknown.
Henry Escareno
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Henry Escareno on May 21, 2016.
Rudy & Therese Frey
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Rudy and Therese Frey on February 12, 2011.
David & Nancy Garden
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with David and Nancy Garden. Date unknown.
Guy Kay
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Guy Kay on November 21, year unknown.
Chuck O’Rear
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Chuck O’Rear on October 17, 2013.
Osvaldo and Ferruccia Particelli
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Osvaldo and Ferruccia Particelli with Ray Particelli as translator on February 10, 2015.
Ed Paulson
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Ed Paulson on November 23, 1979.
Rafael Rodriguez
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Rafael Rodriguez on July 10, 2009.
Joanne & John Sales
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Joanne and John Sales on October 31, 2013.
Larry & Annette Smith
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Larry and Annette Smith on July 13, 2015.
John Thoreen
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with John Thoreen on September 12, 2016.
Sloan Upton
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Sloan Upton on September 26, 2016.
Frank “Laurie” Wood
St. Helena Historical Society oral history interview with Laurie Wood on January 26, 2005.
St. Helena’s Chinese Heritage
In 1868 the Napa Valley Railroad construction crews reached St. Helena. They needed large amounts of gravel from our gravel quarry to lay down the base for the tracks. Although a few Chinese were previously living in Napa, the need for a large labor force to move gravel brought the first large group of Chinese…
Winemaking at Local Cellars During the 1879 Crush
Summarized from the St. Helena Star, October 3, 1879 by Mariam Hansen John C. Weinberger (today William Cole Winery) is crushing his grapes, plus those grown by W. H. Castner, E. M. York, Thomas Greer, James Cruey, A. H. Buehren, Georg Breitenbuecher, G. L. Benner, and Mr. Bell. He expects to make about 40,000 gallons,…
The Electroliers: St. Helena’s Iconic Streetlights, 100 Years of Light
Were St. Helena’s iconic streetlights, known as electroliers, used at the Panama Pacific Exposition in 1915 and then purchased by St. Helena when the exposition closed? This urban legend has been passed down in our town for generations. The St. Helena Chamber of Commerce Vintage Festival Committee of 1913 met to discuss permanently lighting Main…